
Showing posts from February, 2021

Scratch journey 2: mini game and face sensing

Last week, I explored the Scratch world, trying different blocks and viewing different shared projects. I have learned some fundamental knowledge of Scratch and felt that Scratch is a powerful tool enabling users to make videos and even design games.  MINI GAME This week, I tried to apply what I learned to design a mini-game. Its name is Eat bubble.  For the game concept,  🔺 the main character is a yellow bubble 🔺 the goal is to eat up the running yellow bubbles and avoid touching bubbles with different colors 🔺 players can control the yellow bubble by pressing arrow keys 🔺losing three lives means game over For the blocks,  These blocks enable players to control the yellow bubble pressing arrow keys. In this chunk, I set the original position, the size of the yellow bubble. Prior to this, I set the value of two valuables: life and ball. Then, the forever loop takes up the major part. In this loop, I have done many tasks. Task one is to detect the touching with Ba...

Scratch Exploration: Name animation & My Favorite Project

  👾 What is one of my favorite scratch project? As a newcomer to the Scratch world, I enjoy exploring different projects and learn from each other in the community. There are a great number of excellent examples that I can draw on and they cover multiple topics. For me, the sense of community does ensure a better user experience.  The picture above is a screenshot of a project that I like. It is an emoji maker . Users can choose 「eyes」,「mouth」,「element」,「face color」 clicking the corresponding buttons. Users can also get all the steps done with one click on the whirl-like sign. This button helps users choose each part of the emoji randomly. Although the functions are quite simple, the interactive effect is awesome. The video below presents the interactions in the project. 👾 Learn about CLONE Looking inside the project, I learned a lot about how a specific effect is realized by the specific arrangement of blocks. The blocks below realize the floating pink decorations in the...

3D design challenge on Beetle Blocks

 🔶 Bottle  In the last class, we explored a new tool for 3D design, which is called Beetle Blocks .  We also had a look at a bottle example together to learn how to use the blocks. I found it easy to understand the codes but hard to create one myself. Observing the example, I learned how to start, how to make it build upward, and how to create the z-axis curves. Meanwhile, I tried new things in the code.  The following pictures are the outlook of the bottle that I created using Beetle Blocks.  Inside the bottle  The bottle starts from the bottom. It is a hexagon. I used loop here and changed the value of move each loop.  Outside the bottle  What is special is the spiral structure. The beautiful curves were created by changing the angle slightly. For the bottom, the beetle rotates 60 degrees each time. For the body, it rotates 59.899 degrees each time. See more details here

TurtleStitch: logo & Islamic tiling pattern

 Islamic tiling pattern In week 3, I enjoyed playing around with Turtlestitch and created beautiful patterns and graphic design using it. The picture I posted above is an Islamic tiling pattern I created using Turtlestitch .  It took a long time to figure out what the structure is and how to arrange the codes. This digitally-drawn pattern was created by the following steps: 1️⃣ Find a pattern. I googled a bunch of pictures of Islamic tiling designs and find one that had been analyzed step by step. It was illustrated as below. 2️⃣ Shapes in the complicated pattern are circles and squares. To be specific, there is one circle surrounded by four circles. From inside to outside, the squares become bigger and bigger and rotate by 45 degrees each time. 3️⃣ Implement it by codes.  Here is the video🔽 Logo This is a simple logo I designed using turtlestitch. I just used two letters of my given name and family name as the elements. It is just like a moving body on the stage. To c...