
Showing posts from January, 2021


  RANDOM SQUARES ⬜️ As you can see above, it is a piece of artwork I created using TURTLE ART. In this program, I used Random  block a lot.  Since the random block can generate different values each time you call it, I can create unique artwork each time I run the coding block. There are several elements that I used random block: 1. Color 2. Width and Length  3. Positions 4. Pen size 👇👇👇 This picture shows how I made it.😜 Besides this, I have also done some of the challenges in the Geometric Drawing Challenges. I pretty enjoyed recreating them piece by piece and reflecting on the function of each block.  I reckon this challenge is a difficult one for me. I spent a long time dong this one than others. As presented in the picture, the code block is a large chunk with four conditional statements. In order to make the main body of the code look more compact and clean, I used my block to store a repeated pattern.  1.Before the conditional statements, the pe...

Pudding+Tap+Movement&Sound:EAT THE PUDDING

What I picked from the lists are  🍮Pudding Tap Movement&Sound IDEA  🌟 From the keywords, I have a clear picture of the interaction between people and the piece of work. Someone taps a pudding, then the pudding moves away and makes sounds. For me, I had some coding experience with HTML/CSS/JavaScript. Therefore, the first idea that came to my mind was to present the interaction in a digital form.  Why not putting it on a dinner table❓ Why not letting it play with people❓ Why not making a mini game-like interaction ❓ CODING : WHO IS GOING TO EAT THE PUDDING FIRST I always start with the layout and styles. The picture is pretty clean and simple. The white rectangle is the table. You can see a knife, a fork, a plate and a pudding on the table. Before playing around, you can read the tips first.  Let’s play with it. In order to eat the pudding, you need to put it on the plate first by clicking it and clicking it. Here, I wrote a Function getRandomInt(), which ...